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Losing weight doesn’t have to be daunting with proper dieting. In fact, you do not need to deny your body foods as long as you can plan the diet well. The most important issue about avoiding being overweight beyond the BMI is maintaining a proper diet. You can make use of diet planner apps and portion control equipment to ensure sticking to the diet. These help you to avoid the challenges involved in counting calories all the time. Then you can choose your diet wisely. 

Easy-to-follow short-term solution diets such as the cabbage diet soups are easy to make and leave you satisfied. They are more preferable for people who want to lose weight faster.

A three-day military diet claims to help people lose 10 pounds a week. The diet includes low-calorie foods and those high in protein while avoiding snacking. Then it avoids all manner of drinks except the drink herbal teas such as green tea, coffee, or water. The diet avoids excessive calorie intake by controlling portions and counting calories – basically 1100-1400 calories a day.

The diet involves eating 3 meals a day for 3 days of the week where you avoid snacking, alcohol, milk, and sweeteners, or any other drink apart from herbal teas. The three days are then followed by a four-day off-set meal plan which includes snacking and drinking anything as long as the daily calorie intake does not exceed 1500 calories/day. You can also substitute all these with vegetarian foods as long as the calories are not exceeded.

In the last few years, more and more people are choosing a keto diet as a way to lose weight and get fit. But what is this diet all about? This is a diet low in carb, but high...
DASH diet abbreviation is “dietary approaches to stop hypertension” which helps to lower the high blood pressure. Dash diet allows the eating of food that have less sodium but all other essential nutrients which helps to lower the blood...
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