Custom Keto Diet Review: Why it’s So Helpful

Custom Keto Diet Plan

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There are so many diets out there and people are always trying different methods in order to lose weight. One diet that is popular and can have big results is the keto diet. The diet basically involves putting your body into ketosis mode, which burns fat quickly and sees amazing results. If you are new to this diet, however, it can be quite confusing but the Custom Keto Diet can make it a much easier process for you. This Custom Keto Diet Review is unbiased and will be taking a closer look at exactly what this program is. Like everything, it has pros and cons so make sure to read everything over before you make any decisions about the Custom Keto Diet. Being well informed should allow you to decide whether it is right for you.

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


  • The Keto Box – The Keto Box offers 10+ Keto snacks that will be delivered to your doorstep every month. These monthly boxes are not customizable, but each one has different types of snacks specified for different months.

Quick Summary

  • Helps to increase fat burning in the body.
  • It’s simple and easy to follow.
  • Hunger cravings will fade.
  • You don’t have to exercise to reap the benefits.
  • It’s healthy and safe.
  • You’ll lose weight like clockwork.
  • A downloadable grocery list.
Visit Official Website

I am doing really good on my weight loss. I have lost a total of 32 pounds so far. Only 35 more to go. Thanks to your recipes, it is very easy to stick to this plan. Even my husband is losing weight. Thanks for all the help.

-Michelle M.
weight loss transformation before and after

What is the Custom Keto Diet?

While Keto is known to be very effective in terms of weight loss, it can be a little confusing especially to beginners. It’s hard to know what to eat, what not to eat, and why these big changes are necessary. The Custom Keto Diet was put together in order to make this a whole lot easier for you. It will basically provide you with a customized keto meal plan that you can get your teeth into right away. Every person is different but the trouble with most diets is that there is a one-size fits all diet. We all have different lifestyles, we are all different shapes and sizes and this program takes all of that into consideration before coming up with your very own plan.

About the author

The Custom Keto Diet was created for you by the well-respected nutritionist Rachel Roberts. She tried the keto diet herself and through her own experience plus a bunch of research, she realized that keto is different for everyone. On the whole, she is definitely a woman who knows what she is talking about! With a team of chefs, dieticians, nutritionists, and fitness consultants, she developed this Custom Keto Plan in order to help men and women around the world reach their goals. Her main focus was coming up with a plan that was suitable for everyone looking to lose weight and get in the best shape of their life.

How does the Custom Keto Plan work?

  • The problem with most diet plans is that there is a “one size fits all” approach and that is definitely where this program differs. The Custom Keto Diet works by taking your personal information into consideration. There are just a few short steps that you will need to complete on the official website before being given your Custom Keto Plan and they are as follows.
  • First, you will need to fill in some information about yourself in order to get the ball rolling in receiving your very own customized keto diet plan. The information that you will need to provide is your gender, age, weight, height, goal weight, food preferences, and workout intensity.
  • After this step, you will need to enter your name and email address before being taken to the payment portal. Once you have paid for the Custom Keto Diet, you will be sent an email that will include the program that has been specially designed for your needs in mind.
  • Finally, in order to receive your required results, you need to stick to the plan completely. Consistency is key in any diet including this one.


You can only purchase The Custom Keto Diet on the official website and it comes at a cost of $97. There are discounts available right now however which means that you can get your customized plan for as cheap as $37. Keep in mind that there is also a money-back guarantee if you are not happy, which means that you literally have nothing to lose. This is an absolute bargain for one of the most popular diets out there especially with everything that is included in the diet plan.

What does it include?

The main part of the Custom Keto Dirt is an 8-week customized meal plan that is right for you. The best experts worked to put this plan together and it will include information such as what to eat and what to avoid. Keto is not about depriving yourself at all, it is about eating the right kind of foods and this is exactly what the plan focuses on. A range of recipes are included in the program and they include detailed instructions so even novices in the kitchen will be able to make the tasty keto-approved meals with ease. Also included is a recommended grocery list so that you can ensure you are stocked up on everything that you need. We all eat out from time to time and your Custom Keto Plan will also include a fast food and restaurant guide so that you can ensure that you make the best decisions when out and about. You will also be granted access to Keto Diet 101 which will give you a whole bunch of different information about the diet. This includes videos and documents on what happens to your body it ketosis, how you can boost your metabolism, and how to get the best results possible.

  • Keto Power Boost – This supplement makes sure that your body does not struggle the get the required nutrients when you change your diet to ketogenic.

Who is the Custom Keto Diet right for?

The Custom Keto Diet is right for any adult, male or female, who is looking to lose weight in a healthy way and a way that can be sustained. Anybody can do the keto diet although it is advised that pregnant and nursing women don’t do it because they need the extra nutrients. Although the diet is completely safe and healthy, if you have any underlying health conditions, it is best to consult a physician for further advice before starting your Customer Keto Diet plan. It is not recommended that those with serious diabetes do the Custom Keto Diet.


  • A ketogenic diet, in general, helps to increase fat burning in the body. This is because your insulin levels will drop due to the change in diet. Increased insulin and weight loss do not go hand in hand so this positive change in the body will allow you to burn fat quicker and more efficiently than ever before!
  • The keto diet is fairly easy to follow and your Custom Keto Diet will make it even easier. There will be foods that you love included in this diet and the healthy balance are tailor-made for you and will see amazing results. The range of meals and recipes in the diet will actually make the keto diet fun to do every day! 
  • In order to successfully lose weight, you need to be using up more calories than what you consume, it’s simple math. After just a few short days on this diet, your appetite will be limited and you will not have any access cravings. The meal plan is designed with satisfaction in mind, you will feel full up after every meal, and excess snacking will not happen, which means a natural reduction in calories.
  • There is no gym or workout regime because the diet alone is enough. Although staying fairly active will definitely help the results along, it is not necessary to exercise in order to see substantial weight loss.
  • It is not a fad diet and will definitely not see you starving yourself. The Custom Keto Diet is a healthy way to lose weight and will not make you feel miserable or lack of energy during your daily life – in fact, it will be quite the opposite!
  • You will start losing weight quickly but it will also be a sustainable change so you do not need to worry about putting the weight back on afterward. There is nothing to stop you making keto your new way of life rather than just a diet in order to lose weight.
  • In addition to the obvious weight loss, your blood sugar and cholesterol levels will be improved. Overall, you will be healthier from the inside out. 
  • Your Custom Keto Plan comes with a 100% money-back guarantee for 60 days if for any reason that you are not satisfied. This just shows how confident Rachel Roberts is in her program and the results. 
  • From doing the keto diet, you will learn better eating habits which will not just help on this diet, but for the rest of your life. Eating nutritious but tasty meals is key in being happy and also achieving the results that you want.


  • In the early stages of trying your custom plan, you might experience some minor side effects of your body going into ketosis including light headaches and nausea. This is normal though and should subside fairly quickly.
  • There are a lot of carbohydrates that you will have to give up such as pasta, which can be hard to start with, especially for those of you who love these kinds of foods. 
  • According to some studies, the keto diet reduces blood sugar which means that it is not ideal for those suffering from high-risk diabetes.

  • 14 Day Rapid Soup Diet – With the Rapid Soup Diet, you will feel full for a long time with fewer calories than you ever thought possible. The rapid soup detox diet also detoxifies your lymphatic system, allowing your body to clean itself properly, and boosts your metabolism.


Now that you are more knowledgeable about The Custom Keto Diet, you should be able to see exactly what it has to offer for you as an individual. You need to keep in mind that the keto diet is very strict and will take some getting used to but if you have the willpower to change your life and get into amazing shape, you definitely need to take that plunge. This Custom Keto Diet Review is impartial and was put together to help you make an informed decision. The advantages of this program definitely outweigh the drawbacks and if you are looking for a tailor-made diet plan that is easy to follow, it could definitely be right for you!

Custom Keto Diet Reviews

  1. Jennifer A. – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: “After reading various custom keto diet reviews, I was convinced to give it a try. It has been a transformative experience for me! I lost 20 pounds in just two months and have more energy than ever. The meal plans are so easy to follow, and they even consider my food preferences.”
  2. Mark D. – ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “The Custom Keto Diet really works, but it requires dedication. Initially, the transition was a bit tough for me, but once I got the hang of it, the results were amazing! I lost 15 pounds and have managed to keep it off.”
  3. Sophia R. – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: “I was a skeptic even after reading positive custom keto diet reviews, but once I started, there was no turning back. I lost 10 pounds in the first month, and I feel fantastic. The recipes are delicious, which made it easier to stick to the diet.”
  4. Alex G. – ⭐⭐⭐⭐: “I decided to start this diet after reading some custom keto diet reviews, and I wasn’t disappointed. While I only lost 6 pounds, the other health benefits were incredible. My skin cleared up, and I have much more energy throughout the day.”
  5. Rachel L. – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: “This is hands-down the best diet plan I’ve ever tried. Not only did I lose weight, but the menu is also varied and tasty, making it incredibly easy to stick to the plan. I’ve lost 12 pounds and have no intention of stopping!”

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Edmund V.
I am 29-yers-old writer about weight loss and healthy life, who enjoys running, competitive dog grooming and working on cars. I am friendly and energetic.
custom-keto-diet-do-you-really-need-it-the-review There are so many diets out there and people are always trying different methods in order to lose weight. One diet that is popular and can have big results is the keto diet. The diet basically involves putting your body into ketosis mode, which...