How To Make Homemade Massage Oil For Weight Loss


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One of the age-old and most effective method of losing weight naturally is through the application of essential oils. In several cultures like China, Egypt, India, essential oils have been used for thousands of years to achieve therapeutic benefits. The effectiveness of essential oils is innumerable. It can promote weight loss as well as help you to have naturally glowing skin. These days essential oils are launched by several brands some of them even claim it to be paraben-free and chemical-free. But the question is how effective they actually are? Well, the massage oils sold by drug store brands or brands that claim to be toxic-free may be effective, but the real deal is when you make DIY massage oil for weight loss. Massage oils that are sold by beauty companies are not only expensive but are also not completely natural. So the best way out is to make your own homemade massage oil with real natural ingredients and achieve the best results. In this article, we will describe to you the procedure to make homemade massage oil for weight loss. 

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes


How Does Essential Oil Work for Weight Loss?

The results that you get from sudden diet plans are nothing but temporary. The results achieved from temporary diet plans may help you to lose weight for the time being but in the long run, can have several negative impacts on your health. Also, it has been often seen that once a person tries to lose weight through diet or exercise, the initial months go well, but after 3 or 4 months, the weight reduction rate decreases. It is the time when you should consider adding essential or massage oils to your weight loss routine. 

Essential oils are the purest form of oils that are extracted and distilled from different beneficial plants. Due to this, they are often used as an alternative to several traditional medicines. Note that essential oils do not directly promote weight loss, rather they enhance or act as a catalyst to your weight loss process. The chief benefits of essential massage oil to aid weight loss include:

  • It will enhance your exercise and diet plans in multiple ways.
  • It helps to energize you during your workout process.
  • It also helps you curb food cravings.

The point is essential oils gives you more energy to exercise and work out. During your weight loss journey, you often might get demotivated and have sugary or junk food cravings. Massaging essential oils can help you reduce anxiety, feelings of depression, relieve tension and improve digestion. So as you can see, massaging essential oils regularly during your weight loss journey acts as a catalyst for the entire process. Apart from this essential oils can also help to correct cellulite and stretch marks that you get during your weight loss journey.

Which Are The Best Essential Oils That Work Best for Weight Loss?

There are numerous kinds of essential oils that offer a plethora of health benefits. Some are used for skin tightening and glowing, some are used for stretchmarks and some are used for weight loss. Here is the list of some essential oils that offer weight loss benefits:

  • Grapefruit essential Oil – This essential oil is extracted from pressed grapes. By adding a carrier oil with a few drops of grapefruit oil while you are dieting, you might achieve great fat burning results. Plus the smell of this citrus oil will also energize you from within & rejuvenate your mind.
  • Cinnamon Oil – This particular oil is used for reducing sugar cravings as it helps to control insulin in the body. By massaging this oil daily on the skin you will get instant results after a few days. Losing your appetite is by far the best thing that can happen to you during your weight loss journey.
  • Ginger OilGinger oil too helps to reduce sugar cravings. Further, it also reduces inflammation & acts as an absorber of vitamins from the food you eat. Regular use of ginger oil will help you to lead a healthier life.
  • Lemon Oil – Lemon oil is what you call an all-rounder oil since apart from helping you burn fat it also promotes good mental health. It is used in different countries as a mood enhancer as well. The plus point is lemon oil is easily available in the market and pretty cheap compared to other essential massage oils.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – This oil is used to promote digestion and protect your stomach from bloating. On the other hand, it also helps to reduce food cravings, especially sugar cravings. 
  • Cypress essential Oil – Cypress has an astringent & tonifying effect on the skin. On the other hand, cypress helps to balance hormones thereby reducing menstrual and menopause symptoms. Since hormonal fluctuations are one of the major reasons behind weight loss, this particular oil can be very useful for your weight loss journey.

  • The Smoothie Diet: 21-day Program Review – The Smoothie Diet is a 3-week weight loss program. Even if the objective is to help users with a healthy and shaped body, you can expect a lot of other benefits. You will be more active and energetic than ever. The weight loss will be easy and fast without any side effects.

Which is The Most Effective Essential Oil for Drinking?

Among the above-mentioned list, ginger oil is the most effective oil for fat burning. You can inhale or drink ginger oil directly to game up your weight loss journey.

Best Oil Dispenser Bottles

The Best Massage Oil Recipe for Weight Loss

homemade oil recipe for weight loss

Note that essential oils are available in the market in an undiluted form which can be harmful to the skin if applied directly. Therefore it needs to be mixed and diluted in a carrier oil. Almond oil is considered one of the best carrier oil for DIY massage oil recipes. Adding 12 drops of essential oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil will go enough. Some other carrier oils include olive oil & coconut oil. These oils also moisturize your dry skin. 

Here is a secret massage oil DIY recipe that can change your whole weight loss game within a few days. For this recipe of homemade massage oil for weight loss you will need:

  • 4 drops of grapefruit oil
  • 4 drops of juniper berry essential oil
  • 4 drops of cypress essential oil
  • 2 drops of sage essential oil
  • 4 drops of sweet orange essential oil 
  • 1 ounce of almond oil or olive oil that will act great as a carrier oil.
  • One massage oil bottle 

With this quantity of ingredients, you can make 1 ounce of massage oil. You can find these ingredients in any natural grocery store and can also opt for online stores.

The process to make this massage oil is pretty simple. All you have to do is pour the carrier oil (almond or olive oil) into the massage oil bottle and add the above-mentioned quality essential oils to the bottle. Now just shake well and you are good to go. Just make sure the bottle is not exposed to direct sunlight as it can degrade the quality of the essential oils.

When and How to Use It?

This particular massage oil recipe is not only good for weight loss and cellulite but can also help water retention. During the pre-menopause or menopause stage women often go through hormonal fluctuations, this oil can also act as a stress buster. Massaging your belly regularly will start showing results within a month. Even men can use it during the changing phase in life since this is the period that often results in forming build-ups in the body leading to reduced metabolism and sudden weight gain. 

Though massage oils are mainly used to reduce abdominal fat, you can also use them on other targeted areas to reduce substantial weight. You are recommended to use it twice a day for 6 weeks at a stretch to get desired results. Note that massage oils will do no magic within a day since the natural process takes time. Therefore you need to be consistent in applying the oil. To start with it is recommended to warm up the oil a little bit by placing it in a cup of hot water. Since these oils are in the purest form, they can shock up your body if applied directly. Take the oil in your palms, rub them and massage the oil in large circles on the abdomen area. Ensure that post massaging, do not expose your body to sunlight if you are adding lemon oil to this recipe since lemon oil can burn your skin if exposed to sunlight. Also make sure to do a patch test on your skin, as some people might be allergic to some ingredients used in the massage oil. 


Some essential oils used in the recipe are not good for certain medical conditions like pregnancy. For eg, sage oil is not recommended for pregnant women. Therefore consult an aromatherapist before applying any essential oil to massaging your body. 

  • NutriLean – This supplement helps in rectifying hormonal function by producing nitric oxide levels in our bodies. This natural supplement helps an individual lose weight naturally and quickly.


Rather than buying expensive essential oil products, it is better you buy individual natural essential oil and mix them accordingly as per your requirements. You can start by making small quantities and if the final massage oil suits your skin, you can start making is larger quantities. You can either use the above-mentioned recipe or use individual oil with a carrier oil to achieve the desired results. 

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