Music & Weight Loss: Can Music Help You Lose Weight?

Working out while listening to music

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Music is always the key to uplifting your soul. Nothing works better than some good music to make you feel energized and lift you up. Music is very powerful and it can be used in different moods of life. Most of the time music is played while someone is working out, running or walking. Yes, workouts or exercises without music seem to be incomplete. You must have noticed that people play some loud upbeat music or songs while working out or doing any physical activities. Is there any benefit of that? One of the most common questions that people often ask is – can music help you lose weight? Well, the answer is – yes! Music can help you in different ways and weight loss is related to that. To know more about how music can help you in weight loss, read on.

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How aCn Music help to Lose Weight?

Music has some amazing capabilities which are surely quite beneficial for the people. Do you want to lose weight? You must have tried dieting and physical activities already. Are you still struggling to lose weight? Well, then you need to include music, your workout regime or physical activities. From relieving your stress to losing a few pounds, music can do magic. It, indeed, has some visceral effect on us. Here are some of the ways how music can help you in losing weight:

1. Releasing endorphin

Music has some incredible abilities and one of them is that it can release endorphins. Endorphins are also called ‘happy hormones’ which help in coping up with stress and anxiety. According to many studies, it has been proved that endorphins can help in reducing the appetite significantly. It also helps in mobilizing the stored fat in your body. Thus, it helps in burning fat. Music can also help in target fat burning i.e. burning of the fat from a particular part of your body. 

2. Reducing stress level

If you are gaining a lot of weight or finding it difficult to lose weight, then one of the culprits can be stress. Too much stress and anxiety can release a hormone called ‘cortisol’ in your body. This hormone is also known as ‘stress hormone’. Long-term stress can increase the level of cortisol too which can make you gain more weight. Cortisol hormone is directly related to storage of fat, especially in the midsection of your body i.e. the abdominal area. Music can help in alleviating the stress and anxiety level to a great extent reducing the production of cortisol levels. 

3. Gives more energy

Feeling low in energy while working out? This can be possible even when you are on a proper diet. To fix this problem, you need music. Yes, music can provide extra energy for you to do workouts, exercises and other physical activities. When you get more energy, you can do workouts for a longer period of time and in the best way possible. When you do exercises and workouts more, you tend to lose more weight by burning extra calories and fats from different parts of your bodies. Try some upbeat and fast music when working out to get more energy.

4. Lower the psychological appetite

If you are wondering – can music help you lose weight by reducing appetite, then here is the answer. In this busy lifestyle, stress has become a constant part of our life. It is true that when you are overly stressed or anxious, you tend to feel hungrier. Hence, you tend to eat more foods, especially junk foods in this situation. Experts call this habit ‘stress eating’. This happens due to psychological appetite. Try to listen to music to uplift your mood and feel better. When your mood is lighter and you feel better, you will notice that you don’t feel the urge to eat often. It can help in decreasing the appetite successfully.

5. To get quality sleep

Have you ever heard about the term ‘music therapy’? Well, music therapy can help your body and mind to relax. Some soothing and light music can help you to be in a completely tranquilizing zone. It can induce quality sleep for you too. It is evident that a good quality sleep for 7 to 8 hours a day can help in losing weight as well as to lead a healthy life. Lack of good sleep can make it even more difficult for you to lose weight. You can listen to some light music with a soothing effect just before bed to have a better quality sleep at night.

6. Helps in better blood vessel functioning

Music has shown a lot of benefits in different studies and researches. In different studies, it has proven to be highly effective for the patients with heart problems and high blood pressure. As music can help you in better functioning of the blood vessels, it can help in better flowing of blood throughout your body. With better blood circulation, you can lose more weight than you can imagine. Hence, you need to include music in your everyday life routine to help in better functioning of blood vessels and proper circulation of blood. 

7. Offers consistent performance

Consistency plays a huge role when it comes to weight loss. Working out once or twice a week cannot help you in achieving your weight loss goal. You have to be consistent in your performances. Music can help you in that. Yes, motivational music can help you to get going. Music makes a hard workout regime more enjoyable and bearable. So, you can be more consistent in your performance. When you workout consistently with a good performance, you can lose more weight than irregular workouts or performances. 

Tips on Listening to Music

As mentioned above, it is quite evident that you have got the answer to your question – ‘can you lose weight by listening to music?’. Now, you need to know how you can capitalize the benefits and amazing effects of the music to achieve your weight loss goal. Here are some tips for you:

  • Tip #1

You have to listen to some upbeat music while working out. Make a playlist for your workout or exercise routine and choose all the music with upbeat tempos. This can help you in working out harder.

  • Tip #2

You have to listen to light and soothing music while you are relaxing as this can help you to relax your mind and body in the best way possible. This can help you in inducing better sleep.

  • Tip #3

Choose some of the feel-good music for reducing your stress or anxiety. Now, the definition of feel good can differ from one person to another. While some people prefer to hear jazz, some may prefer other types of music.

  • Tip #4

Make sure to create a separate playlist for every mood or activity. This can help you to listen to the songs matched with your mood without the need to control it.

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Music as a Workout Motivator

How music can serve as a powerful workout motivator:

Music as a Workout Motivator: Enhancing Exercise Performance and Enjoyment

When it comes to boosting motivation and enhancing the overall exercise experience, music emerges as an exceptional ally. The rhythmic beats, melodic tunes, and uplifting lyrics have the ability to ignite a surge of energy, encouraging individuals to push through their workouts with greater enthusiasm. The science behind the connection between music and workout motivation is fascinating, and understanding how music affects our brain and body can lead to more effective and enjoyable fitness sessions.

The Beat of Motivation: How Music Influences Exercise Intensity

Research has shown that music has a direct impact on our movement and pacing during workouts. The rhythm of music can sync with our natural movement patterns, leading to an increased pace and intensity. Upbeat and energetic tracks with a tempo that matches the rhythm of the exercise can inspire individuals to move faster, whether it’s jogging, cycling, or strength training. The beat of the music can act as a metronome, helping to establish a consistent pace and rhythm.

Distracting from Discomfort: Music and Perceived Effort

One of the remarkable ways music serves as a workout motivator is by diverting attention from the physical discomfort that can accompany intense exercise. Engaging with a favorite song can create a sense of diversion, causing individuals to focus less on feelings of fatigue or exertion. This phenomenon can lead to a reduction in the perceived effort of the workout, allowing individuals to push through challenging moments with greater ease.

Motivational Lyrics and Psychological Boost: The Mind-Body Connection

The lyrics of a song can also play a crucial role in enhancing workout motivation. Lyrics that inspire, empower, or resonate with personal goals can create a psychological boost, fostering a positive mindset during exercise. Whether it’s a powerful anthem or a song with a motivating message, the words can fuel determination and mental resilience, helping individuals stay committed to their fitness goals.

Creating Your Ultimate Workout Playlist: Personalized Motivation

The beauty of using music as a workout motivator lies in its personalization. Crafting a playlist that aligns with your musical preferences and workout intensity can greatly amplify its impact. Select tracks that not only have an upbeat tempo but also resonate with your emotions and goals. Experiment with different genres and artist preferences to discover what truly ignites your motivation.

Pairing Music with Different Workouts: Diversity in Genre

Different types of workouts call for varying musical choices. For cardio-intensive sessions, high-energy tracks with a quick tempo can keep you moving at a brisk pace. During strength training, selecting songs with a strong rhythm can help you maintain consistent cadence during repetitions. For cooldown and stretching, soothing melodies can aid relaxation and post-workout recovery.

Incorporating music into your workout routine can elevate your exercise experience to new heights. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of music as a workout motivator varies from person to person. Experiment with different musical selections, tempos, and genres to find what resonates best with you. Whether it’s the rhythm, lyrics, or emotional connection, music has the power to transform your workouts from routine to enjoyable and empowering experiences.

The Psychology of Music-Driven Workouts

One of the key mechanisms in the psychology of music-driven workouts involves the release of dopamine, often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. Engaging with music that resonates with us triggers the brain’s reward system, resulting in a surge of dopamine. This heightened level of dopamine not only enhances our mood but also creates a sense of pleasure and motivation, encouraging us to continue engaging in the activity that brings us joy—such as exercise.


Hopefully, you have got your answer to the query ‘can you lose weight by listening to music’ here. Music has always been one of the most important parts of our life. No matter what our mood is, music is always the answer. If you are happy, you prefer music and even if you are sad, music can help! Yes, music can help you in weight loss too due to all the amazing benefits it offers. So, next time when you exercise or feel the stress, plug in your earphones and listen to music.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much weight can you lose by listening to music?

The amount of weight you lose due to music can depend from one person to another. There are different factors that play a crucial role in this, such as your diet, your resting period, your workout routine and more. But according to a study by the Fairleigh Dickinson (FD) University, it has been seen that a person can lose about 4% (on an average) of weight more due to music. 

Can listening to light music help in weight loss?

Light music can help you in relaxing your mind and body. While it can help in reducing stress level and anxiety, it cannot provide you the energy during workouts. So, you can use light music for relaxing, sleeping, meditating etc. These activities too can help in weight loss. But when it comes to working out, you need energy and light music cannot provide you with energy.

Can music help in speeding up your metabolism?

Yes, many recent studies have shown that music can play an unexpected role in metabolism. It can help in regulating the gastric motility too which helps in speeding up the metabolism. Hence, it is safe to say that yes music can help you in increasing your metabolic rate which can also play a major role in weight loss.

Can you lose weight dancing to music

Yes, upbeat music can make you dance too. We all know dance is a part of physical activities which can help in weight loss. So, if you want to use music for weight loss, then definitely try dancing your heart out while listening to music. This will help you to burn a lot of calories.



  1. Psychology Today – The Power of Music: Explore articles that delve into the psychological impact of music, including its effects on mood, motivation, and performance. Website:
  2. American Psychological Association (APA) – The Psychology of Exercise and Fitness: Access research and articles related to the psychology behind exercise motivation and how psychological factors can influence physical performance. Website:


  1. The Psychology of Exercise: Integrating Theory and Practice” by Curt L. Lox, Kathleen A. Martin Ginis, and Steven J. Petruzzello: This book explores the psychological aspects of exercise and how understanding these factors can enhance performance and motivation.
  2. This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession” by Daniel J. Levitin: Although not specifically about exercise, this book delves into how music impacts our brain and emotions, which can extend to its effects on workouts.

Academic Journals and Articles:

  1. “The Effects of Music on Exercise and Physical Performance” (Journal of Exercise Physiology Online): This research article delves into the influence of music on exercise performance, psychological responses, and how it can be utilized for improved outcomes. Article Link:
  2. “The Power of Music: Its Impact on the Intellectual, Social and Personal Development of Children and Young People” (International Journal of Music Education): While focused on education, this article provides insights into the cognitive and emotional impact of music, which can be applied to exercise settings. Article Link:

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