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We all know that fruits are always associated with a healthy diet. They are very rich in nutrients and have a load of minerals, antioxidants, fibre and vitamins. It is also known to reduce the risks of fatal heart diseases and diabetes. Still many question its potential to help a person lose weight because of its high sugar content. This article is going to tell you all about weight loss fruits and how they help in losing weight.
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
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A List of The Best Fruits for Weight Loss
Here we have some of the best weight loss fruits for you so that the process of losing weight becomes easier for you.
Who hasn’t heard the idiom that an apple a day keeps the doctor away? That is how healthy apples are. Now if we tell you that this healthy fruit can also assist you in losing some calories won’t that be like a cherry on top.
Apples are loaded with fiber and contain very low calories, the first being 5.4 grams and the latter being 116 calories in every large apple which weighs about 223 grams. They have been found to help you in losing weight due to their low-calorie content.
As apples contain low calories they tend to be more fulfilling and thus you will consume less food in the entire day. It is a fact that an apple is 3 times more filling than a regular chocolate bar.
According to studies, it is recommended that apples should be eaten whole rather than drinking just the juice. In that manner, they control your appetite better and reduce hunger more effectively.
There are numerous ways to enjoy apples both raw and cooked. You can add them to your hot or cold cereals, stews, salads and yoghurt or you can simply bake them.
Grapefruit is basically a cross between two fruits. Grapefruit has been associated to weight loss and dieting for quite a long time now.
Half a grapefruit consists of just 39 cal but provides you with 65 % of the required daily intake of vitamin C. The red type also provides you with 28 % of Vitamin A required of you to consume daily. This is evident that it has a very small amount of calories but has a bag full of nutrients that make you full. Thus by just consuming this little amount of calories you will be able to fulfil your body’s needs.
On top of all this, Grapefruit is known to have a lower glycemic index. This means that the speed at which it releases the sugar in the bloodstream is very slow. A diet consisting of low-GI food may help you in weight loss and maintenance.
According to a recent review, it was found that consuming grapefruit helps in reducing fat, the circumference of the waist and helps in keeping the blood pressure levels low.
You can have Grapefruit directly but you can add it to your salads and some other dishes.
Berries can also be called a nutrient-rich, low-calorie powerhouse. Just half a cup of blueberries contain only 42 calories and provide 12 % of Manganese and Vitamin C that is required by your body daily. Additionally, it also provides you with 18% of Vitamin K.
A cup of strawberries has 50 calories and gives you 3 gms of fibre and also fulfils 150% of Vitamin C required daily and about 30% of manganese.
Berries are said to be filling. Also, consuming berries help in decreasing cholesterol levels, decreasing inflammation and controlling blood pressure levels. They are more beneficial for people who suffer from being overweight.
They can add both frozen or fresh berries to your yoghurt or cereal, blend them into a smoothie, added to a salad or baked goods.
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Stone Fruits
The stone fruits are also called drupes. These seasonal fruits have a pit or stone in the interior and a fleshy exterior. This group includes nectarines, cherries, apricots, peaches and plums.
Stone fruits have low calorie, low-GI and high in nutrients such as Vitamin A, vitamin C which is why it is perfect for people who are looking to lose some calories.
For example, a medium peach consists of 58 calories, while a cup of cherries contains 87 calories, 2 small plums or 4 apricots have only 60 calories.
When you compare it to fast food that is unhealthy such as cookies and chips, stone fruits have a high level of nutrients and have a high filling potential.
This group of fruits can be enjoyed fresh, cut into pieces and put in a salad, blended into porridge or can even be added to grilled and savoury dishes such as stews.
Passion Fruit
Passion fruit originated from South America and grows on vines. The outer tough rind is either yellow or red in colour and is totally edible.
One single passion fruit consists of just 17 calories. It contains very high levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, fibre, potassium and iron. It contains high levels of fibre.
Fibre is known to slow down the process of digestion, helps you in staying and feeling full for long periods of time and helps in controlling your appetite.
On top of all this, the seeds present in the passion fruit consist of piceatannol, a substance connected to lowering blood pressure and improving insulin sensitivity in men suffering from obesity.
If you want to lose weight, having passion fruit as a whole is the best. You can use it as toppings on desserts or even as fillings. It can also be added to drinks.
Kiwis are brown, small fruits with green or yellow flesh that contain small black seeds. Kiwis are high in nutrients and are a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, fibre and folate which have a list of health benefits on them.
Kiwi can also help in lowering down blood sugar levels, improving cholesterol, helps in improving gut health which is all needed for a healthy weight loss journey. They’ve got a lower GI which means that you won’t encounter any sugar spikes.
Kiwis contain high levels of fibre. Just one small fruit contains over 2gms of fibre. Just the skin alone can provide you with a gram of fibre. As it is high in fibre it helps in accelerating your process of weight maintenance and loss. It also gives you a feeling of being full and helps in improving the health of your gut.
The taste of kiwi can differ depending on how ripe it is. If it is fully ripe when peeled it tastes sweet and delicious and is very soft to eat. It can be consumed raw. You can also have it in the form of juice, or add it to your salad, morning cereals or baked goods.
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Fruit vs. Fruit Juices
When it comes to choosing between whole fruits and fruit juices, it’s essential to understand the significant differences in terms of nutrition, fiber content, and their impact on your weight loss journey.
Whole Fruits:
- Fiber-Rich: Whole fruits, such as apples, berries, and oranges, are naturally rich in dietary fiber. Fiber is crucial for weight loss because it promotes feelings of fullness and helps control your appetite. It also aids in digestion and supports a healthy gut.
- Lower in Calories: Whole fruits are relatively low in calories compared to their juice counterparts. This means you can enjoy a larger portion of whole fruits for the same number of calories as a smaller glass of fruit juice.
- Slower Sugar Release: The fiber in whole fruits slows down the absorption of sugar in your bloodstream, preventing rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. This helps stabilize your energy levels and reduces cravings.
- Nutrient Density: Whole fruits are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients are vital for overall health and can support your weight loss efforts by ensuring your body receives the necessary nutrients while cutting calories.
- Hydration: Many fruits have high water content, contributing to your daily hydration needs. Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and can aid in weight loss by promoting better digestion and metabolism.
Fruit Juices:
- High in Sugar: Fruit juices, especially commercially produced ones, can be loaded with added sugars. Even 100% fruit juice can contain a high concentration of natural sugars, which can lead to a rapid spike in blood sugar levels and subsequent crashes, leaving you feeling hungry and craving more.
- Lower Fiber: Fruit juices lack the fiber content of whole fruits because the juicing process removes the pulp and fiber. Without fiber, you miss out on the digestive benefits and feelings of fullness that fiber provides.
- Calorie-Dense: Fruit juices can be calorie-dense, especially if you consume large quantities. Liquid calories are not as satiating as solid foods, so it’s easy to overconsume calories from fruit juices without realizing it.
- Portion Control Challenges: It’s easier to consume a significant number of calories from fruit juices quickly, making portion control a challenge. This can undermine your weight loss efforts if you’re not careful.
- Nutrient Loss: The juicing process can lead to some nutrient loss, particularly when juices are pasteurized or processed. While fruit juices still contain vitamins and minerals, they may not be as nutritionally dense as whole fruits.
In conclusion, while fruit juices can be a tasty and convenient way to enjoy fruit flavors, they are generally not as beneficial for weight loss as whole fruits. Whole fruits provide more fiber, fewer calories, better blood sugar control, and superior nutrient density. When aiming to lose weight, it’s advisable to prioritize whole fruits and consume fruit juices in moderation, if at all, to avoid excess sugar and calorie intake.
We hope this article solves all your queries regarding the subject of whether fruits are able to help you in losing weight or not. Nothing is better than a tasty way of losing weight. Some of the above-mentioned fruits can be your favourite. Isn’t it nice that you would be able to achieve your goal while consuming your favourite fruit?
Frequently Asked Questions
Fruits are one of the best natural resources bestowed upon us by nature. They are loaded with fiber, vitamins and various other healthy nutrients that should be included in a healthy diet. As fruits are full of so many nutrients they contain low levels of calories. As they contain natural sugar they can also cut down your cravings for sweets and fast food. This way on low calories, they can provide you with all the nutrition your body requires in one day. Thus with low calories and proper intake of nutrients fruits can help you in losing weight.
Fruits have high fibre that is an indigestible part of carbohydrates and plants. Studies show that a higher intake of fibre is linked to keeping body weight low. Fibre helps in giving you the full tummy feeling for longer periods of time that reduces the overall consumption of calories.
Fruits that have high water content keep you hydrated and satiated for a long time which also reduces the consumption of calories.
Artificial sugar is bad when consumed in large quantities as it contains a lot of calories. While on the other hand fruits contain natural sugar that is not harmful to your body and in turn has positive effects on your health. This natural sweetness present in the fruits is a great help when it comes to curbing your sugar cravings. Thus choosing fruits over cakes or cookies will assist a person in consuming added sugars, low calories and gaining less weight while you still enjoy a treat when you want one.
When you start substituting in this manner you will be able to keep your diet balanced and that can lead to weight loss.