7 Healthy Fats for Your Diet


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Fats are essential for your body as nutrients. Your body needs fats to absorb vitamins and to protect your brain and heart health as well. There are two types of fats: bad fat and good fat.

Bad fat, which is bad for your health, includes artificial trans fats and saturated fat. These are responsible for weight gain and other health diseases. But good fat has a positive effect on your body and helps you manage your mood swings, help you fight against fatigue, and control your body weight.


Wondering about healthy fats vs unhealthy fats? Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of healthy fats.


Robert Urich

Fatty fish

Fatty oils are heart-healthy fats that you can gain by eating oily fish like salmon, trout, sardines, and tuna. Fish oil is recommended for weight loss as well as for clear skin. These fishes include omega-3 fatty acid, which is a high-quality protein and has all kinds of essential nutrients.

Fatty fish oil is recommended to overcome health diseases like depression, dementia, stroke, cancer, and support a healthy pregnancy. Omega-3 fish oil supplements are also available.

Olive oil

Olive oil

Olive oil is the healthiest fat for human health. It has numerous health benefits because it is mono-saturated (low-density lipids/heart healthy fats) and has antioxidant properties. Olive oil contains vitamin E and K, which are powerful antioxidants. The best oil to drink is extra virgin olive oil, and it is not used for cooking purposes. When extra virgin olive oil is exposed to heat, then fatty acid can oxidize and become damaged. Extra virgin olive oil used in food preparation like mixed salad dressing or drizzle olive oil over vegetables. It helps to control blood pressure, improve cholesterol markers, and benefits for heart disease risk.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is the best kickstarter for weight loss. It’s essential for lower heart diseases. Coconut oil has a medium-chain of fatty acid, which is good for human health. Coconut oil is helpful for severe diseases like Alzheimer’s and may also help for belly fat loss. Oil is excellent for the heart because it reduces cholesterol levels and provides energy to brain cells. Coconut oil intake is essential for the human body; take it in yogurt, oatmeal, or add it to a smoothie.

Coconut oil is used for cooking and baking purposes. Try to bake items in coconut oil; it will be helpful for your health. When choosing between healthy fats vs unhealthy fats, coconut oil is highly recommended.

Fatty yogurt

Yogurt is a healthy fat to eat early in the morning to keep yourself young and active throughout your life. Yogurt helps to boost metabolism and helps to fight against heart diseases and obesity. Organic yogurt free of artificial sugars is best and better to avoid this artificial low fat yogurt. Yogurt has essential nutrients as high fat dietary products have. Yogurt has a powerful effect on your skin, heart, brain, and keeps you young and active.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are small seeds that contain an extraordinary amount of heart healthy fats; they contain more omega-3 than salmon or fish oil have. Chia seeds give a unique taste to your food and healthy fat to intake. Chia seeds help to lower blood pressure and have an anti-inflammatory effect. There are many benefits of healthy fats from chia seeds, such as protein and minerals. It is better not to cook chia seeds but to intake it with yogurt, smoothie, etc.

“Chia Seeds Also Are Loaded With Antioxidants”

Brazil nuts

Nuts like almond and walnut are filled with good fats which are healthy and essential for our nutrition. Nuts have omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids; both are good for your health. Nuts also help for heart health and support mental health. Add nuts in your salad to give it a crunchy touch, or make a homemade cereal as breakfast to increase your nut intake.

Cheese fat

Cheese is another excellent heart-healthy fat. Additionally, cheese is a source of calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium, and other necessary nutrients. As calcium is vital for your bones, the cheese contains fat and protein, which is also essential for your health. Cheese contains a powerful fatty acid that reduces the risk of diabetes type 2 to occur.

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