Slim Crystal Infuser Water Bottle Review – Should You Buy It?


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Over 42% of US adults are overweight, which is majorly due to the unhealthy diet we are on and lack of physical activities. Being overweight is linked to many diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, liver and kidney issues, etc. Not to mention that it ruins your physique. That’s why you need to act to shed the excess fat in your body.

It would be best to undertake a comprehensive strategy incorporating exercises and dieting to lose weight. Speaking of diet, there’s one thing many people forget to incorporate into their lifestyle, and that’s water. Keeping your body hydrated helps flush out toxins from the body and keep cravings at bay.


The water we drink needs to have all the minerals that benefit the body. Unfortunately, tap water lacks minerals, some of which are essential in helping improve digestion and other body processes. Now, this is where Slim Crystal Water Bottle comes to help. Yes, you read that right.

Slim Crystal has a combination of crystals that are slowly released into the water you drink to help with weight loss, improve health, and slow down aging. We have a detailed slim crystal water bottle review to clear any doubts you may have. Keep reading to learn more about these crystals for weight loss.

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

Quick Summary

  • Speed up your weight loss.
  • Slow down aging signs.
  • Boost your energy.
  • Support healthy digestion.
  • Increases energy levels.
  • It reduces unnecessary cravings
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Slim Crystal Water Bottle Review – What Is Slim Crystal Water Bottle?

Launched in 2021, the Slim Crystal is a water bottle that contains up to nine natural crystals that slowly infuse into your water to help with weight loss. According to the creator, drinking two to three liters of water from a Slim Crystal bottle can help you:

  • Speed up your weight loss
  • Slow down aging signs
  • Boost your energy
  • Support healthy digestion

The creator also states that the combination of crystals added into this bottle has been used for many years to improve health and slow down aging signs.

Slim Crystal is the first crystal water bottle that uses the concept of infusing water with potent ingredients that promote healthy weight loss. Let’s discuss how the crystals help with weight loss.

How Does Slim Crystal Water Bottle Work?

To understand how slimming crystal water bottle helps with weight loss, it’s necessary that you first understand the difference between processed and living water.

In this case, “living water” is water found in ponds and springs. This water is mineral-rich and thus beneficial to the body. Unfortunately, this water contains many contaminating elements making it unhealthy to consume without purification. Purification results in the loss of essential minerals. While the water becomes safer for drinking, it loses the vital minerals your body needs.

The body does not easily absorb processed water due to its structure. Living water has a hexagonal structure, while processed water has a pentagonal structure.

SlimCrystal water bottles help to reintroduce the lost minerals while at the same time reconstructing tap water to make it easier for your body to absorb. Additionally, more crystals known to stimulate metabolism are added to this water bottle, which is why the creator says that this water bottle help with weight loss.

The crystal infused water bottle harnesses the power of crystals to help improve health and boost metabolism. Quartz crystals have been proven to help enhance weight and speed up digestion.

Let’s discuss the crystals for weight loss added to this water bottle.

It took me only 3 and half months to get rid of all the access weight I accumulated in the last 2 years, and I am back to a size 8!

Jenna Michaels, Miami, FL
weight loss body transformation

Quartz Crystals Infused Into Slim Crystal Water Bottle

Every Slim Crystal Water bottle comes with nine natural crystals. Ancient people and healing experts believe that these crystals offer essential health benefits to your body. By adding these crystals to your drinking water, you’ll feel energized, younger, and lose weight at a faster rate.

Information provided on the Slim Crystal official site indicates that clients who drink water from their water bottles have experienced several benefits, such as less stress and faster weight loss.

Slim Crystal water bottle’s primary purpose is to dispense powerful crystals into your drinking water to help speed up the rate of burning fat. Here are the nine distinct crystals in Slim Crystal Water Bottle:

Red Agate Crystals

These crystals have been used for many years and are known to have healing abilities. It helps relieve stomach cramps, specifically menstrual cramps, and relieve pain in pregnant women. As per the reviews of people online, this gem has more astounding healing potential and is a primary crystal in this water bottle.


For many years, amethyst has been used as a natural sedative, and its prowess extends beyond this as it also inhibits negative energies and promotes tranquil energy. Amethyst is labeled as a crystal of tranquility and peace as it has a soothing effect that helps calm down tension and anxiety. It’s added to this water bottle to reduce stress. Stress is one of the causes of weight gain.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz helps clear memory and improves your concentration. Increasing energy levels allows one to have a better mood and focus. In addition, Clear Quartz helps to strengthen immunity.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper crystals are added to this water bottle to promote equilibrium in life. This crystal helps to reduce anxiety, negative energy, and confusion. It also helps to boost sexual drive.


Carnelian crystals have many benefits, including improving mood, kidney health, bone health, blood flow, and clearing the mind.


If you have researched crystals before, you probably have come across moonstone. This crystal helps to boost physical and mental power. In addition, it also helps to calm down the brain by eradicating negative thoughts and worries.


Citrine helps to increase creativity, inspiration, and confidence. It gives you the energy to work out and the confidence to face life.

  • HCG Diet Drops Program – The HCG Diet Drops program has grown in popularity because it claims to offer an easy and effective way to shed excess fat and weight. The fame has been fueled more by the many positive HCG reviews the program has received, even from known celebrities.

Green Aventurine

This is another crystal added to Slim Crystal Water Bottle and is known to have healing properties. Many people associate it with love and riches.


This crystal helps reduce hunger pangs and acts as a metabolism booster to help you stay on track with your diet.

All these crystals work in synergy to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Slim Crystal Water Bottle Benefits

We’ve already discussed the crystals infused into this water bottle, and thus you have an idea of the benefits to expect. Specifically, these stones may help boost metabolism, give more energy, and help one lose weight.

In addition, they may enhance your body’s ability to recover, especially after an intense workout. Also, the crystals help aid the detoxification process by flushing out toxins from the body.

Crystal infused water bottle may also help you burn more fat by aiding digestion and reducing cravings. What’s more, these quartz stones may improve the health of your internal organs and balance hormones.

Along with all these advantages, people using this water bottle claim to feel younger, and thus we can say that the crystals slow down aging. Slim Crystal Water Bottle may also lower your chances of developing ailments as it boosts your immunity.

Another benefit you may get from drinking water from slimming crystal water bottle is that it may help you overcome addiction and unnecessary cravings.

The crystals for weight loss added to this water bottle help increase the oxygen in your blood, thereby boosting your energy levels. The more active you are, the more calories you’ll burn.

Overall, the crystals in this water bottle boost metabolism, regulate health and balance hormones. Therefore, we can say that this bottle will give all-rounded health benefits.

Pros of Using Slim Crystal Water Bottle

The components of this slim crystal water bottle offer many advantages, including:

  • The crystals are 100% natural and have no artificial additives that could harm your body. Therefore, you can use it with confidence, knowing that you won’t experience any side effects.
  • The crystals offer a wide range of health benefits, including aiding in weight loss and dealing with different issues.
  • It encourages one to drink more water as its sweet; hence you stay hydrated.
  • It reduces unnecessary cravings.
  • There’s a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you decide that these bottles are not for you, you can return them and get your money refunded.


  • Slim Crystal bottles are only available on the official website. You cannot find them anywhere else
  • You’ll still need to diet and work out. Slim Crystal Water Bottle is there speed up results

Bonuses That Come With Slim Crystal Water Bottle

In addition to getting the Slim Crystal bottle, you’ll be given several bonuses, including:

Program for People over 55 Population Book
Contains exercises that you can do to improve endurance and flexibility.
Desserts for Weight Loss
You’ll get videos and booklets to guide you on how to prepare healthy foods.
57 Age-Reversing Secret
This book teaches you about herbs, meals, and drinks that will help you preserve a younger appearance.

  • The Smoothie Diet: 21-day Program – The Smoothie Diet is a 3-week weight loss program. Even if the objective is to help users with a healthy and shaped body, you can expect a lot of other benefits

Final Thoughts – Is Slim Crystal Water Bottle Worth Buying?

From the many reviews posted by happy customers and the scientific evidence that backs up the properties of the crystal infused water bottle, we can conclude by saying that crystal water bottle infuser is worth a try.

The bottle has crystals that will boost your metabolic rate and thus help you lose weight faster. In addition, the crystals impact your mental and physical health positively.

If you are interested in this water bottle, visit the official website and place your order.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Slim Crystal Water Bottle

Where can one buy Slim Crystal Water Bottle?

If you wish to get Slim Crystal Water Bottle, head to the official website and place an order. It’s only on the official website that you get legit Slim Crystal Water Bottles.
The good thing about ordering slim crystal bottles from the official website is that the 60-day money-back guarantee covers you.
If you buy one bottle, you’ll pay $117. However, two bottles attract a discount, allowing you to get each at $97. Shipping for users in the USA is free, but they are not refundable if you activate the money-back guarantee.

Why should you invest in Slim Crystal Water Bottle?

Although their working mode sounds more magical than logical, Slim Crystal Water Bottles work, and scientific results back this up. These bottles contain naturally-occurring crystals that have been used for many years.
Therefore, if you’re struggling with weight loss or want to reset your health, Slim Crystal Water Bottle is a good choice. There are many positive reviews that prove this product delivers desired results.

How long should one wait to see noticeable results?

Our bodies are different as some absorb more nutrients than others, and thus it can be challenging to put a definite period on when to expect results. 
However, it doesn’t take a long time to see noticeable results. The only thing we want to emphasize here is that Slim Crystal Water Bottle is not a magical solution to your weight loss struggles. You should integrate workouts and watch your calories to see desired results.

Who Is Slim Crystal Bottle Best For?

The Slim Crystal Water Bottle is best for people who want to get the best out of their exercise and diet routine. The crystals offer many benefits, including reducing anxiety and stress, curbing cravings, and boosting metabolism. All these help you to speed up your weight loss process.
However, this water bottle is also a good investment for people who have a healthy weight as it keeps your metabolism in check and clears your mind.

Do crystal water bottles work?

Many users have posted positive reviews about the progressive outcomes they have got from drinking water from crystal bottles show that they are effective. You’ll gain mental and physical health benefits.
Also, crystals have been used for centuries as part of meditation and spiritual rituals. A crystal water bottle brings this to you in an advanced and convenient manner.

How do I clean a crystal water bottle?

Cleaning a crystal water bottle is easy. Hand wash them with warm water and soap and rinse. However, avoid cleaning them in the dishwasher.

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