The Ultimate Guide to the Cabbage Soup Diet

a photo fo cabbage soup in a bowl

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Losing weight can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. One way you can lose weight is by following the cabbage soup diet. This is an old-fashioned diet that has been around for centuries and still works today. Regular diets often fail because they are hard to stick with, but the cabbage soup diet is different: it’s an easy-to-follow plan that will leave you feeling satisfied and healthy. If you have been trying to lose weight with a more traditional regimen like counting calories or exercising but haven’t had any success, it may be time to give one of these cabbage soup diets a try.

This article explains what the cabbage soup diet is all about, how it works, ingredients in each recipe – including calories per serving – and more.


Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Key Takeaways
  • The cabbage soup diet is a weight-loss plan that requires you to eat cabbage soup for days on end.
  • It’s crucial that you do not exceed 1200-1500 caloric intake per day while following this diet.
  • This diet is for anyone who wants to lose weight quickly. However, it’s also good if you want a short-term solution, such as before your next vacation or event where you’ll need to fit into a specific dress or suit.
  • The cabbage soup diet is an eating plan that has been around since the early 1900s.

  • All you Need to Know About Soup Diets – A large number of people are looking for excellent ways to lose weight. A great way to lose weight is by using a soup diet. A soup diet refers to a diet that mostly consists of vegetable broths.

What is The Cabbage Soup Diet, and How Does it Work?

The cabbage soup diet is a weight-loss plan that requires you to eat cabbage soup for days on end. The theory behind it is that the soup will fill you up and keep you feeling full, making it easier to stick with this low-calorie regimen. The cabbage soup diet works by cutting calories and limiting meals to only the cabbage soup. This will allow your body to enter a natural state of fasting, which is believed to burn fat faster than it would with typical diets. In addition, the cabbage soup diet is low-calorie and has a moderate amount of protein, which helps your metabolism.

Some common ingredients in a cabbage soup diet include cabbage, onion, garlic, carrots, celery, and spices. This dish is very flexible, so feel free to play around with the amounts until you find what tastes best for your palate. Whatever spices you use should be mild; hearty herbs such as rosemary and sage may overwhelm the soup’s subtle flavors too much – stick to more delicate ones. The limitation on what foods you can eat may seem difficult at first, but after completing this diet, your taste buds reset themselves, making healthier food more appealing than fattening junk food.

You should have at least two cups for every meal on this plan. The only time you don’t need to drink it is if you are eating a snack or light lunch instead of dinner because your stomach will be full from the rest of the food in your system. It’s crucial that you do not exceed 1200-1500 caloric intake per day while following this diet. Your goal is weight loss through calorie restriction – overdoing it can lead to fatigue, malnutrition, nausea, diarrhea, and other health problems.

Who Should Try This Diet?

This diet is for anyone who wants to lose weight quickly. However, it’s also good if you want a short-term solution, such as before your next vacation or event where you’ll need to fit into a specific dress or suit.

Individuals with high blood pressure, heart conditions, or diabetes should not follow this type of rapid weight-loss plan without consulting their health care provider first. In addition, anyone on medications that need food to work properly should also consult their doctor before starting the cabbage soup diet as it can interfere with some prescriptions.

If you have a very low body mass index (BMI) or are underweight, the cabbage soup diet may not suit you. If your BMI falls below 18.05, consult with your health care provider before trying to lose weight too quickly by following this particular diet. Pregnant women should also speak with their doctor before starting any new eating pattern because it can affect fetal development. 

Benefits of Following Cabbage Soup Diet

The cabbage soup diet offers several benefits, including:

  • Improves digestion courtesy of its low calories and high levels of fiber.
  • Limited meal options make it easier to stick with this diet. 
  • The cabbage soup diet may lead to faster weight loss than other diets because the fasting state creates a metabolic boost that burns fat more quickly when you’re not eating enough food.
  • Cabbage soup can also have many different flavors, making it more enjoyable when you’re on a diet. 
  • Cabbage soup diet recipes are straightforward to make; there is no need to be intimidated by the thought of cooking.
  • Helps with inflammation and heartburn.

Side Effects of The Diet

  • Dizziness and lightheadedness from low salt intake.
  • Constipation, bloating, or diarrhea because of the high fiber content.
  • This restrictive eating plan doesn’t provide the necessary nutrients and calories needed to maintain good health, especially if you are doing intense physical activity. 
  • The lack of food in your system will leave you feeling hungry all day long and most likely cause mood swings as well. However, it’s important to remember there isn’t anything magical about the cabbage soup itself – it’s just low-calorie.

Tips For Staying on Track With a Cabbage Soup Diet

1. You can do well on the cabbage soup diet as long as you are smart about what else you eat while following it. Try to include fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins in your daily meals for a well-balanced meal plan.

2. Do not work out too much while doing this diet or risk getting sick with fatigue or malnutrition. It’s best to be active enough that your heart is going strong, but don’t feel obligated to spend hours at the gym every day either!

3. Avoid foods high in sugar – they will increase hunger and add more calories than necessary into your system when trying to lose weight fast using this method

4. The cabbage soup diet does not require exercise as part of its protocol, so make sure that you undertake an appropriate level of physical activity on top of following this diet.

  • 14 Day Rapid Soup Diet – With the Rapid Soup Diet, you will feel full for a long time with fewer calories than you ever thought possible. The rapid soup detox diet also detoxifies your lymphatic system, allowing your body to clean itself properly, and boosts your metabolism.

Cabbage Soup Cleanse: A Healthy Detox Option

The Cabbage Soup Cleanse is a short-term dietary plan that involves consuming homemade cabbage soup for a designated period, typically 3 to 7 days. It’s designed to help detoxify the body, shed water weight, and jumpstart a healthier eating pattern. Here’s how to do it effectively and safely:

1. Preparing Cabbage Soup:

  • Begin by making a batch of homemade cabbage soup. The classic recipe includes ingredients like cabbage, onions, tomatoes, celery, bell peppers, and seasonings.
  • Use low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth as a base to keep sodium levels in check.
  • Cook the soup in large batches to ensure you have enough for the cleanse period.
  • Avoid adding high-calorie ingredients like heavy cream or excessive amounts of oil.

2. Daily Soup Consumption:

  • During the cleanse, you’ll primarily consume cabbage soup throughout the day.
  • Divide your daily intake into several small meals to maintain energy levels.
  • Feel free to add a variety of non-starchy vegetables like spinach, kale, or broccoli to your soup for extra nutrients.

3. Stay Hydrated:

  • It’s crucial to drink plenty of water during the cleanse to stay hydrated.
  • Herbal teas and infused water are excellent choices for added flavor without calories.

4. Avoid Processed Foods:

  • While on the cleanse, steer clear of processed foods, sugary beverages, and high-calorie snacks.
  • Focus on whole, unprocessed foods to maximize the detoxifying effects.

5. Monitor Your Body:

  • Pay attention to how your body responds. Some people may experience increased bowel movements as the cleanse promotes detoxification.
  • If you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or excessively fatigued, consider adjusting the duration or ending the cleanse early.

6. Transitioning Out of the Cleanse:

  • After completing the Cabbage Soup Cleanse, it’s essential to reintroduce a balanced diet gradually.
  • Start with easily digestible foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
  • Avoid overindulging in heavy or high-calorie meals immediately after the cleanse to prevent weight regain.

7. Long-Term Benefits:

  • While the Cabbage Soup Cleanse can lead to temporary weight loss and detoxification, it’s not a sustainable long-term solution.
  • Use it as a kickstart to healthier eating habits and consider incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins into your daily diet.

8. Consult a Healthcare Professional:

  • Before starting any cleanse or drastic dietary change, consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

The Cabbage Soup Cleanse can serve as a short-term tool to reset your eating habits and promote detoxification. However, it’s essential to approach it with a focus on overall health and well-being rather than solely for weight loss. Always listen to your body and prioritize balanced nutrition for lasting results.

Final Thoughts

The cabbage soup diet is an eating plan that has been around since the early 1900s. It’s a weight loss program without counting calories or carbs and focuses on filling up on low-calorie foods like cabbage soup instead of high-calorie ones like ice cream. While you may be very excited about this new way of losing weight fast, it’s important to remember that before starting any new lifestyle change such as this one, people should consult their doctor first & make sure there are no underlying health problems they need treatment for which could be worsened by following this particular diet.

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